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JQuery Release 본문


JQuery Release

건입니다. 2017. 11. 18. 09:15

jQuery 1.12.3 and 2.2.3 Released

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jQuery 1.12.3 and 2.2.3 have been released! These are small releases with a couple bug fixes. There was a minor issue that made the 1.x branch inconsistent with 2.x and a recently-introduced bug in both branches that affected the .loadmethod.

We do not expect this release to have any breaking changes, but if you do encounter bugs in upgrading from the previous version, please let us know.

Full changelogs

2.2.3 – GitHub changelog

1.12.3 – GitHub changelog


You can include these files directly from the jQuery CDN if you like, or copy them to your own local server. The 1.x branch includes support for IE 6/7/8 and the 2.x branch does not.

These updates are already available as the current versions on npm and Bower. Information on all the ways to get jQuery is available at Public CDNs receive their copies today, please give them a few days to post the files. If you’re anxious to get a quick start, use the files on our CDN until they have a chance to update.

Many thanks to all of you who participated in this release by testing, reporting bugs, or submitting patches, including Fredrik BlomqvistOleg GaidarenkoMichał Gołębiowski, and the whole jQuery team.

Community Notice on npm dependencies in your projects

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As most of you are likely aware by now, a potentially dangerous security vulnerability was highlighted recently in the use of npm modules in your projects. In general, the jQuery Foundation still believes this is a safe and very powerful practice and in no way are we saying you should no longer use npm for package management in your JavaScript projects. What we would like to advocate is caution for our community of jQuery plugin developers and users of the many projects in the foundation who distribute packages on npm when installing a package and its dependencies.

A Quick Recap

Rather than rewrite the story, go ahead and check out the full recap and summary from npm on their blog.

The Concern

What happened next is the reason we are writing this post. Azer Koçulu published a number of packages on npm, one of which was the left-pad package which is a simple bit of code that is depended upon by many other packages. After the package was unpublished, many popular projects began having build failures due to the missing package. This is concerning in itself that anyone could unpublish a dependency you have, or a dependency of a dependency of a dependency and cause you or your team real headaches. Shortly after left-pad was unpublished, the npm team decided to un-unpublish it with a new owner to fix the many breaking builds around the internet. What is more concerning though, is the fact that once a package is unpublished, anyone can grab those package names you depend on somewhere in your dependency tree and push new, potentially malicious code into your project. In general, this wouldn’t be too bad because your package likely relies on a version that was unpublished and the new published version would not be pulled in. However, many people when installing dependencies use the commands npm i --save <package-name> or npm i --save-dev <package-name> which by default installs the latest version published at the time preceded by a ^ like ^1.0.0 which tells npm to install any updated version through minor releases the next time dependencies are updated. This means that if you reinstall or update your project and someone has pushed malicious code into a patch (1.0.1) or minor (1.1.0) release from our example, it will automatically be installed in your project.


Our primary recommendation is to be careful. Know what you are installing and know what your dependencies and their dependencies down the tree are installing. You should definitely go through your projects now and see if any of the modules you depend on have been unpublished as well as if any of them are on this list and have recently published new versions that you may want to avoid until you verify it is safe. Though we haven’t spoken with them directly, we are sure the folks at npm, inc. are working hard on a way to address these concerns but until then, be vigilant and keep your projects and plugins safe. We have believed for a while and continue to believe that JavaScript has been and will continue to be one of the strongest options for developing everything from your personal blog to enterprise class applications. With any technology, we will have hiccups along the way but as long as we learn from them and retain that knowledge as we continue on, JavaScript will prevail.

jQuery 1.12.2 and 2.2.2 Released

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We’re keeping the releases coming with two new patch releases for the 1.x and 2.x branches. These releases include a few bug fixes, which includes two edge case bugs for jQuery.isPlainObject and a bug when setting the selected property on an option element using the .prop() method in IE 11.

We do not expect this release to have any breaking changes, but if you do encounter bugs in upgrading from the previous version, please let us know.

We’ll have a release candidate of jQuery 3.0 very soon.

Full changelogs

2.2.2 – GitHub changelog

1.12.2 – GitHub changelog


You can include these files directly from the jQuery CDN if you like, or copy them to your own local server. The 1.x branch includes support for IE 6/7/8 and the 2.x branch does not.

These updates are already available as the current versions on npm and Bower. Information on all the ways to get jQuery is available at Public CDNs receive their copies today, please give them a few days to post the files. If you’re anxious to get a quick start, use the files on our CDN until they have a chance to update.

Many thanks to all of you who participated in this release by testing, reporting bugs, or submitting patches, including Michał Gołębiowski and Richard Gibson and the whole jQuery team.

jQuery 1.12.1 and 2.2.1 Released

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As the jQuery team prepares for a 3.0 final release, we continue to maintain the 1.12 and 2.2 branches. These two patch releases fix a few bugs and improve stability. The most significant bug fix involved a problem with the .position()method, which affected how jQuery UI tooltips were positioned in Internet Explorer.

We do not expect this release to have any breaking changes, but if you do encounter bugs in upgrading from the previous version, please let us know.


You can include these files directly from the jQuery CDN if you like, or copy them to your own local server. The 1.x branch includes support for IE 6/7/8 and the 2.x branch does not.

These updates are already available as the current versions on npm and Bower. Information on all the ways to get jQuery is available at Public CDNs receive their copies today, please give them a few days to post the files. If you’re anxious to get a quick start, use the files on our CDN until they have a chance to update.

Full changelogs

2.2.1 – GitHub changelog

1.12.1 – GitHub changelog

Many thanks to all of you who participated in this release by testing, reporting bugs, or submitting patches, including Oleg GaidarenkoMichał GołębiowskiZack HallTodor Prikumov, and Devin Wilson.

jQuery 3.0 Beta Released

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The time has come. On this day, the 10th anniversary of jQuery, jQuery 3.0 has reached beta status. Last week, we announced the last minor releases to the 1.x and 2.x branches. Those branches will continue to receive patches for a limited time (i.e. only major regressions or bugs); jQuery 3.0 is the future. If you need IE6-8 support, you can continue to use the latest 1.12 release.

The Death of jQuery Compat


If you read the jQuery 3.0 alpha blog post, you might remember that we announced something we called “jQuery Compat”. You can forget that. On January 12, Microsoft dropped support for IE8, IE9, and IE10. We’re not going to go that far just yet, but we are dropping support for IE8. And with IE8, so goes jQuery Compat, gone before we even released a final version. There will only be one jQuery from now on!

Despite the 3.0 version number, we anticipate that these releases shouldn’t be too much trouble when it comes to upgrading existing code. Yes, there are a few “breaking changes” that justified the major version bump, but we’re hopeful the breakage doesn’t actually affect that many people. The jQuery Migrate 3.0 plugin, when released, will help you to identify compatibility issues in your code as well. Your feedback on the changes will help us greatly, so please try it out on your existing code and plugins!

You can get the files from the jQuery CDN, or link to them directly:

You can also get the beta version from npm:

npm install jquery@3.0.0-beta1


Major changes

Below are just the highlights of the major new features, improvements, and bug fixes in these releases. A complete list of changes is available on our GitHub bug tracker.

.show() and .hide() methods

In jQuery 3.0 alpha, we experimented with the idea of treating these methods like an inline-display-none-remover (.show()) and inline-display-none-adder (.hide()). This had the advantage of simplifying these methods greatly and improving performance (it required much fewer calculations). However, this proved to be problematic for our users. Removing inline display:none did not always show the element (if the element was hidden from the stylesheet, for example), and that is far too common. We realized we couldn’t provide a simple way for jQuery plugins, especially, to ensure that an element was shown.

We’ve since reverted that change, and the changes that we’ve kept for the show and hide methods should have much less of an impact on your code. In fact, even with the reversion, we’ve greatly improved performance for the case of hiding many elements.

Special case with `.data()` names

We have updated our .data() implementation to closer match the HTML5 dataset specification. All keys are now converted from kebab-case to camelCase, regardless of access method, and digits no longer participate in the conversion. For example, we will no longer differentiate between “foo-bar” and “fooBar”, but will differentiate between “foo-42” and “foo42”. These changes will mainly come into play when retrieving all data by calling .data() with no arguments, or when trying to access the data using a converted key (.data(“foo42”)) instead of the original (.data(“foo-42”)).

jQuery.Deferred is now Promises/A+ compatible

jQuery.Deferred objects have been updated for compatibility with Promises/A+ and ES2015 Promises, verified with the Promises/A+ Compliance Test Suite. This meant we need some major changes to the .then() method:

  • An exception thrown in a .then() callback now becomes a rejection value. Previously, exceptions bubbled all the way up, aborting callback execution and irreversibly locking both the parent and child Deferred objects.
  • The resolution state of a Deferred created by .then() is now controlled by its callbacks—exceptions become rejection values and non-thenable returns become fulfillment values. Previously, returns from rejection handlers became rejection values.
  • Callbacks are always invoked asynchronously. Previously, they would be called immediately upon binding or resolution, whichever came last.
  • Progress callbacks can no longer resolve Deferred objects to which they are bound.

Consider the following, in which a parent Deferred is rejected and a child callback generates an exception:

var parent = jQuery.Deferred();
var child = parent.then( null, function() {
  return "bar";
var callback = function( state ) {
  return function( value ) {
    console.log( state, value );
    throw new Error( "baz" );
var grandchildren = [
  child.then( callback( "fulfilled" ), callback( "rejected" ) ),
  child.then( callback( "fulfilled" ), callback( "rejected" ) )
parent.reject( "foo" );
console.log( "parent resolved" );

As of jQuery 3.0, this will log “parent resolved” before invoking any callback, each child callback will then log “fulfilled bar”, and the grandchildren will be rejected with Error “baz”. In previous versions, this would log “rejected bar” (the child Deferred having been rejected instead of fulfilled) once and then immediately terminate with uncaught Error “baz” (“parent resolved” not being logged and the grandchildren remaining unresolved).

While caught exceptions had advantages for in-browser debugging, it is far more declarative (i.e. explicit) to handle them with rejection callbacks. Keep in mind that this places the responsibility on you to always add at least one rejection callback when working with promises. Otherwise, any errors will go unnoticed.

Legacy behavior can be recovered by replacing use of .then() with the now-deprecated .pipe() method (which has an identical signature).

We’ve also built a plugin to help make debugging Promises/A+ compatible Deferreds. If you figure out that there’s some phantom error getting eaten, check out the jQuery Deferred Reporter Plugin.

jQuery.when has also been updated to accept any thenable object, which includes native Promise objects.

Added .catch() to Deferreds

The catch() method was added to promise objects as an alias for .then(null, fn).

Removed special-case Deferred methods in jQuery.ajax

jqXHR object is a Promise, but also has extra methods like .abort() so that you can stop a request after it has been made.

As users increasingly embrace the Promise pattern for asynchronous work like AJAX, the idea of having special cases for the Promise returned by jQuery.ajax is an increasingly bad idea.

success, error, complete
done, fail, always

Note that this does not have any impact at all on the callbacks of the same name, which continue to exist and are not deprecated. This only affects the Promise methods!

Error cases don’t silently fail

Perhaps in a profound moment you’ve wondered, “What is the offset of a window?” Then you probably realized that is a crazy question – how can a window even have an offset?

In the past, jQuery has sometimes tried to make cases like this return something rather than having them throw errors. In this particular case of asking for the offset of a window, the answer up to now has been { top: 0, left: 0 } With this beta of jQuery 3.0 we’re experimenting with the idea of having such cases throw errors so that crazy requests aren’t silently ignored. Please try the beta and see if there is any code out there depending on jQuery to mask problems with invalid inputs.

.width(), .height(), .css(“width”), and .css(“height”) to return decimal values (whenever the browser does)

Previously, jQuery rounded values when retrieving width and height. Some browsers return subpixel values – such as IE and Firefox – and sometimes users need this precision when relying on these values for layout. We don’t expect this change to have a big impact on your code, but let us know if it does.

Removed deprecated event aliases

.load.unload, and .error, deprecated since jQuery 1.8, are no more. Use .on() to register listeners.

Animations now use requestAnimationFrame

On platforms that support the requestAnimationFrame API, which is pretty much everywhere but IE9 and Android<4.4, jQuery will now use that API when performing animations. This should result in animations that are smoother and use less CPU time – and save battery as well on mobile devices.

jQuery tried using requestAnimationFrame a few years back but there were serious compatibility issues with existing code so we had to back it out. We think we’ve beaten most of those issues by suspending animations while a browser tab is out of view. Still, any code that depends on animations to always run in nearly real-time is making an unrealistic assumption.

.unwrap( selector )

Before jQuery 3.0, the .unwrap() method did not take any arguments. The selector parameter offers a way to be specific about which wrappers to remove.

jQuery.fn.domManip no longer accessible

jQuery.dirjQuery.siblingjQuery.buildFragmentjQuery.access, and jQuery.swap were all privatized in jQuery 1.12 and 2.2. These methods, along with jQuery.fn.domManip, were always intended for internal use only and were never documented. We are finally making them private to avoid confusion.

Massive speedups for some jQuery custom selectors

Thanks to some detective work by Paul Irish at Google, we identified some cases where we could skip a bunch of extra work when custom selectors like :visible are used many times in the same document. That particular case is up to 17 times faster now!

Keep in mind that even with this improvement, selectors like :visible and :hidden can be expensive because they depend on the browser to determine whether elements are actually displaying on the page. That may require, in the worst case, a complete recalculation of CSS styles and page layout! While we don’t discourage their use in most cases, we recommend testing your pages to determine if these selectors are causing performance issues.

This change actually made it into 1.12/2.2, but we wanted to reiterate it for jQuery 3.0.

Ten Years of jQuery and Beyond

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On the 14th of January 2006, John Resig went to an event called BarCamp NYC to talk about some of the projects he was working on. One of those projects was a JavaScript Library called jQuery. It was the birth of what has become the most widely used JavaScript library ever written.

It’s hard to imagine now, but there were already about a dozen JavaScript libraries around on that day when John announced jQuery, trying to solve basically the same problem. There was no guarantee that yet another library was needed, or that jQuery would go anywhere. Yet slowly and surely over the past decade, jQuery has been widely adopted. It’s hard to find a web developer today who doesn’t know it, or a web page that doesn’t use it.

Code alone isn’t what made jQuery unique and drove its popularity. It took a strong community of users and contributors who pitched in to help newcomers master the library. John made a point of listening carefully to the community and incorporating feedback from those interactions which made both the code and documentation better. jQuery was shaped by the people who used it and appreciated the way it simplified development across multiple browsers. What makes this story even more remarkable is that it all began in an era before Github and StackOverflow!

Based on the experience and community insights that arose from jQuery development, the jQuery Foundation was formed in 2012. It included not only the jQuery projects but tools for other parts of the development lifecycle such as QUnit for testing and Globalize for internationalization. Last year, we joined with the Dojo Foundation and expanded the set of projects we support to include DojoGruntLodash and more.

The Foundation continues to be guided by the principles that made jQuery a success and advocating for things like inclusiveness, diversity in teams and empowering contributors to lead within the open source community. As we move into 2016 and the number of projects we support grows, so do the ecosystems being built around those projects. An ecosystem thrives when its projects collaborate and share core principles. By enabling that collaboration, we hope to encourage new ideas and different points of view in open source JavaScript.

In Internet years, a decade is an eternity; web development has changed immensely in that time as has the web itself. Yet the basic formula for success in an open source project has been constant: start with a good idea, adapt it to the needs of users (even as those needs change), and get the community involved in all aspects of the project. Let’s measure our success not in the code that we write, but in what users create using our code and how it inspires them to push the web even further.

Here’s to another decade of awesome open source innovation in JavaScript!

jQuery Migrate 1.3.0 Released

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With jQuery 1.12.0 and 2.2.0 out the door, this is a good time to freshen up the jQuery Migrate plugin as well. This plugin provides diagnostics that can simplify upgrading to new versions of jQuery, since it can root out any uses of deprecated APIs or other changes in jQuery that may affect your code.

The 1.3.0 version of jQuery Migrate adds a few more warnings for features that have been deprecated and will help you prepare for jQuery 3.0 which will be out soon. (The next version of jQuery Migrate with full support for jQuery 3.0 will have even more new features, but we’ll save that news for later.) A complete list of the changes made in jQuery Migrate 1.3.0 can be found in the issue tracker. That’s also where you can report a bug if you find one. Be sure to provide a test case that reproduces the problem. We like to use or

In particular, there is an issue with the combination of jQuery 1.12.0, jQuery UI 1.11.4, and the older jQuery Migrate 1.2.1 that can cause an error with methods such as .outerWidth. If you’re experiencing this error after upgrading to the latest jQuery, please upgrade to this version of jQuery Migrate and the problem should be solved. This release also debuts the jQuery.migrateVersion property, which as you might expect is the string "1.3.0" this time around.

You can get this new version at all the old familiar places:

jQuery CDN: or

npm: Just npm install jquery-migrate@1.3.0 which is listed at

Bower: In your bower.json file, you can use the following in the dependencies section to copy the CDN file:

 "dependencies": {
    "jquery-migrate": ""

As always, we recommend that you use jQuery Migrate as a tool to find and fix issues when upgrading web sites to new versions of jQuery and associated plugins. The non-minified version provides extensive diagnostics on the console. Take advantage of them, we built them for you!

Many thanks to all the people who reported bugs and provided code or other help, including c24wg7015412-trbvm-comgibson042KingRialmarkelogmgolMottiethbaymettimmywilocean90wbinnssmith, and wisec.

jQuery 2.2 and 1.12 Released

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To usher in the new year, the jQuery team has been hard at work on 2 new releases: jQuery 1.12.0 and 2.2.0! These releases include lots of bug fixes and improvements to make your cross-browser development experience better. We anticipate this to be the last releases for the 1.x and 2.x branches before we release jQuery 3.0. Since jQuery 3.0 will have some breaking changes, we will continue to support 1.12 and 2.2 after jQuery 3.0 is released, but only with patches for major regressions. As a side-note, we will have some big news related to jQuery 3.0 coming soon!

Performance Improvements

Performance of the selector engine has improved thanks to a shortcut path that immediately uses precompiled Sizzle selectors when the selector cannot be processed by the native querySelectorAll or matchesSelector methods. This results in a significant speedup in some real-world cases.

New Features

We’ve added some minor, non-breaking features that we thought might be useful in these releases. Here are some of the highlights.

SVG Class Manipulation

While jQuery is a HTML library, we agreed that class support for SVG elements could be useful. Users will now be able to call the .addClass().removeClass().toggleClass(), and .hasClass() methods on SVG. jQuery now changes the class attribute rather than the className property. This also makes the class methods usable in general XML documents. Keep in mind that many other things will not work with SVG, and we still recommend using a library dedicated to SVG if you need anything beyond class manipulation. and jQuery.get(options)

These ajax shortcuts have a new signature that takes a single object containing options.{
  url: “/example”

Symbol/iterator support

We’ve added support for the Symbol type and iterators via Symbol.iterator added in ES6/ES2015. “Symbol” will be detectable with jQuery.type, and jQuery objects can be iterated with for-of where supported.

for (element of $elements) {


A new hook has been added for filtering HTML that is passed to jQuery DOM manipulation methods like .html().append(), and .replaceWith(). The default prefilter translates single tags to XHTML-compatible tags. This method will allow users to bypass certain edge cases, remove scripts, and sanitize input.

jQuery.uniqueSort alias

To make it clear that jQuery.unique() also sorts, we’ve update the name. jQuery.unique will still exist, but jQuery.uniqueSort will become the documented method. This method is still only intended to sort DOM elements in document order; it is not a general sorting method.


We do not expect this release to have any breaking changes, but if you do encounter bugs in upgrading from the previous version, please let us know.

You can include these files directly from the jQuery CDN if you like, or copy them to your own local server. The 1.x branch includes support for IE 6/7/8 and the 2.x branch does not.

These updates are already available as the current versions on npm and Bower. Information on all the ways to get jQuery is available at Public CDNs receive their copies today, please give them a few days to post the files. If you’re anxious to get a quick start, use the files on our CDN until they have a chance to update.

Many thanks to all of you who participated in this release by testing, reporting bugs, or submitting patches, including Chris AntakiConnor AthertonJason BedardBatiste BielerLeonardo BragaBastian BuchholzAnne-Gaelle ColomDavid CorbachoBrenard CubacubAurelio De RosaHamish DicksonBen EdelmanStephen EdgarEstebanAlexander Farkas, Joelle Fleurantin, flexphperiaCorey FrangXue FuqiaoOleg GaidarenkoRichard GibsonMichał GołębiowskiScott GonzálezgoobChristian GreteVeaceslav GrimalschiMu HaibaoDan HartFrederic HembergerSean HendersonNicolas HenryDaniel HermanJon HesterVictor HomyakovWinston HowesDaniel HusarYongwoo JeonEssam JouboriTaehee KimRichard KraaijenhagenVeres LajosMarek LewandowskiReed LodenGeorge MauerRichard McDanielAmit MerchantCalvin MetcalfDave MethvinMightyBranchNazar MokrynskyiMatthew MuellerJulian Alexander MurilloMartin NaumannDaniel NillAlexander O’MaraAdrian OlekRandson OliveiraJames PearceGilad PelegBruno PerelPhistucKPJSenya PugachAditya RaghavanLiza RamoChris RebertAnthony RyanGabriel SchulhofMike SidorovNick StefanArthur Stolyar, Zheming Sun, Jun SunTimo TijhofBen ToewsThomas TortoriniShivaji VarmaArthur VerschaeveRick WaldronBin XinNorman XuGary YeImran M Yousuf, and Jörn Zaefferer.


Full changelogs



  • Remove workaround for IE6/7 (e519098)
  • remove event dependency from the ajax module (4e7f34f)
  • Fix for request aborted in ajaxSend (#1775598ed05)
  • use anchor tag for parsing urls (#1875b091fdb)
  • simplify jQuery.parseXML method (5a0867d)
  • Fix cross-domain detection test for non-default port (83b038f)
  • $.post and $.get can now take an options object (#198689ce0af)
  • simplify one ajax call and add explanatory comment (0ac28ed)
  • make jQuery#load “type” field explicit (4ef120d)
  • replace “jqXHR.complete” callback with “always” (97ef1f2)
  • remove use of jQuery#each second argument (a4715f4)
  • remove “onunload” event handler (a117dd0)
  • Remove jsonp callbacks through “jQuery#removeProp” method (#2323a2ae215)
  • Account for Android 2.3 not firing window.onerror on script errors (6044fb6)
  • do not quote “throws” option – use dot notation instead (#2571c9cf250)
  • correct indentation (cb087ce)
  • improve content-type detection (#2584239169b)
  • trigger error callback on native abort (#207976e9a95)
  • Don’t throw exceptions on binary data response (#2498769446c)
  • code style fixes (8a896df)


  • Use typeof check for getAttribute method (075da30)


  • exclusively lowercase A-Z in attribute names (22c33bf)
  • remove unnecessary element null check (55ac56a)
  • Use the option val hook in select val hook and simplify it (#1902f6302b0)
  • fix failing test for new return value (5dc4616)
  • add SVG class manipulation (#219920aaed3)
  • revert returning null for non-elements (7632b74)
  • fix tabIndex on  in IE11 (#2647c752a50)
  • revert returning null for non-existent attributes (2905961)
  • removeClass() -> attr(“class”, “”) (5db1e05)
  • Use simpler boolean check vs a function call (4bf1a09)
  • return null when attribute does not exist (#2118aaeed53)


  • Update AUTHORS.TXT and .mailmap (03557db)


  • Update QUnit to latest (1.17.1) (2d5c5d2)
  • Acknowledge Android 2.3 is not ES5-compatible (#24781c59b30)
  • space between curly and paren is optional (#239963a577a)
  • Moved JSHint directives to .jshintrc file (15a609f)
  • update AUTHORS.txt (8f13997)
  • Add a comment explaining why the es3 option is needed (669cb16)
  • Upgrade to commitplease 2.0.0 (5bc1ddc)
  • Refactor Node smoke tests (9c8a3ec)
  • update version to 3.0.0-pre (7a607c5)
  • Fix various typos (dc4b914)
  • Update jscs and lint files (#205610fdad7)
  • correct jscs paths (99975c4)
  • Remove empty define({}) from build output (#17682c1b556)
  • correct style tests files which could be automatically corrected (e35bdc1)
  • Update commitplease dev dependency (39b7606)
  • Update grunt-contrib-jshint (1556c46)
  • remove bower.json lint target (285cfbf)
  • fix tests in AMD mode (6051609)
  • Update grunt-contrib-uglify because of a security issue in uglify (835e921)
  • Update the license attribute (#23318e92e1e)
  • update requirejs dependency to 2.1.17 (#2290a644101)
  • bower.json: remove moot `version` field (61e21a4)
  • put back “lint” command to the “dev” list (5adf04a)
  • Upgrade to grunt-bowercopy 1.0.0 (323e82c)
  • account for version labels in Sizzle versions (#193978ac753)
  • update node dependencies (9101704)
  • Sizzle version labels must start with a dash (d6c97ab)
  • Don’t assume the browser environment; smoke test on Node w/ jsdom (#195076df9e4)
  • Remove dates from copyright notice (66e1b6b)
  • Specify valid components for commit messages (0c9d018)
  • Fix an email address of a contributor (ab30934)
  • Remove unused Sizzle test files (8d11310)
  • Move all external libraries to external directory (c5d9d88)
  • Don’t install jsdom 3 on Node.js 0.10 & 0.12 by default (#2519dbb2daa)
  • use different versions of jsdom for Node and iojs testing (#22665c3101f)
  • Rearrange grunt/npm tasks into a build/dist/test pattern (bb928bd)
  • Remove npm from dependencies (b92acf7)
  • Sanctify the component name status of Wrap (a4133ff)
  • Drop io.js testing, test on latest Node.js (250a199)
  • Use double quotes in .travis.yml (06320c8)
  • Test on Node 5 (cbe5b2b)
  • Speed up the Travis build (31f4f8e)
  • Remove a double empty line at the end of .travis.yml (cea94a8)
  • ignore test dependencies for npm install (35f8e15)
  • update Sizzle to 1.11.1 and include license (c0b23e2)
  • update grunt-bowercopy (712e78c)
  • Add “deprecated” to the Testswarm module list (1144e75)
  • Update license (4f776e5)
  • update Sizzle (#2042#19693a0dd5a)
  • Move test to appropriate module (fbdbb6f)
  • update Sizzle to 2.0.0 (bcca4f0)
  • add mailmap entry (3ec73ef)
  • drop bower; use npm for front-end deps (#15186e1949f4)
  • update front-end dependencies (8356948)
  • fix broken assertions caused by QUnit update (8b6aeae)
  • Change the 2.2-stable version to 2.2.0-pre (c56e8b6)
  • Update native-promise-only (again) (f5aa89a)
  • update Sizzle to 2.2.1 (#239044f8239)
  • Update native-promise-only (0065e1f)
  • remove deprecated JSHint options (34da7d5)
  • save sinon update for later (#216098c25b7)
  • update node dependencies barring jscs (8e3a0ce)
  • update grunt-jscs-checker and pass with the new rules (c869a1e)
  • update source map options for the new grunt jshint (269a27c)
  • Fixed issue with base path that contain ‘var’ (#24500c34e68)



  • Condense info and add directions to other resources (#1824bfd5dab)
  • Close parenthesis (609adf6)


  • Align branches: remove an unused variable, add comments (f6de5a9)
  • use interactive to evaluate dom ready, barring IE9-10 (#2100dabd5ba)
  • Test all factory use cases from intro.js (#2181ab40725)
  • add workaround for iOS JIT error in isArrayLike (#21451541664)
  • CSS:Event: simplification of native method signatures (85577a3)
  • allow init to accept an alternate rootjQuery for migrate’s sake (#21017a6931d)
  • remove isArraylike check for nodes (#2238436f0ae)
  • Standardize indexOf comparisons (53aa87f)
  • Support Symbol wrapper objects in jQuery.type (8a73434)
  • make isNumeric test work on Symbol (0703fd5)
  • CSS: disable 2 tests for Opera 12 (13d2de7)
  • Remove unnecessary parameter to jQuery#constructor (98cee73)
  • Update tested jsdom, drop obsolete workarounds (#215306f6cd1)
  • change jQuery.each and jQuery#each signatures (#20902380028)
  • re-introduce createHTMLDocument in parseHTML; Safari 8 left out (cfe468f)
  • revert addition of createHTMLDocument. Thanks, Safari 8. (b779831)
  • Consistently use local reference to access() (2fb719e)
  • pass empty string to createHTMLDocument to appease IE (31c7d7f)
  • remove unnecessary support test for createHTMLDocument (5923282)
  • use document.implemenation.createHTMLDocument in jQuery.parseHTML (58c2460)
  • Simplify and speed up .each (eeda11c)
  • simplify “each” stylesheet iteration test (fcb6c4d)
  • add unit test for isPlainObject(Symbol) (#26459090d98)
  • Follow the AMD specification for define (892625b)
  • Make jQuery objects iterable (#1693bb026fc)
  • Use window.setTimeout & friends instead of global equivalents (#2177219c749)
  • Don’t expose jQuery.access (#25139adfad1)
  • Switch from modules to just window.setTimeout etc. (842958e)
  • Drop strundefined variable (29838b6)
  • organize prop & attr code to be similar (5153b53)
  • Adjust comments & tests after dropping Safari 6 support (93bee47)
  • .each/.map should accept an undefined/null value (#2267bf48c21)
  • Add a support comment for Safari 8 (d242753)


  • Fix the “sanity check” test (995f707)
  • Remove non-functional unit test for negative margin (4ab7431)


  • fix :visible/:hidden selectors for inline element w/ content (#222779bcb29)
  • save 20 bytes in css/support (45ec73f)
  • Don’t name the anonymous swap function (0019a46)
  • Correct misrepresentation of “auto” horizontal margins as 0 (#2237487d5ca)
  • Use pre-defined displays for html and body (a772418)
  • Support relative adjustment in any applicable unit (#17119b03f6d)
  • use isFinite in place of redundant isNumeric (3689963)
  • Clean up memory leak in reliableMarginRight (#17957d15b4d)
  • Correct typo in the comment (7e09619)
  • elements are hidden when either offsetWidth or offsetHeight is zero (#10406#1313210399dd)
  • Add animation-iteration-count to cssNumber, fix tests (#2792b9a6958)
  • Don’t cache unrecognized CSS property names (#2015d471842)
  • Collapse a double if statement into one (7855a1a)
  • Add unit tests for negative margins and positioning (1b932bb)
  • Work around an IE11 fullscreen dimensions bug (#176490d828b)
  • Restore the hack to get pixels for .css(‘width’) etc. (3747cc6)
  • make the getStyles function more readable (3a0d582)
  • Fix the pixelMarginRight support test in Android 2.3 (cdfc2d0)
  • Don’t expose jQuery.swap (#2058bb4d888)
  • simplify “defaultDisplay” module (c62486f)
  • Improve a comment explaining IE11 fullscreen bug (8e4aac8)
  • Add an integration test for issue gh-1764 (8887106)
  • Removed redundant “to the number” in comment (895ea68)
  • Remove use of getDefaultComputedStyle (#15227274feb5)


  • move element cache to element[expando] (#1734d702b76)
  • updates to element[expando] cache (222ac3a)
  • shave off a couple of bytes (6f65f5f)
  • restore explicit data removal of private data in cleanData. (#2127332fd94)
  • remove user data in cleanData (#25035fe76c6)
  • avoid Object.defineProperties for nodes (#172895fb798)
  • speed up $ for camel-cased key (#194172c4a06)
  • find hyphenated data with camelCased key (#2779c1511c6)
  • avoid non-alphanumeric chars in expando properties (0cdec79)
  • Drop the tests relying on applets (#193895c0a10)
  • Combine register and cache methods (b5f7c9e)
  • avoid using delete on DOM nodes (0e98243)
  • Don’t expose jQuery.acceptData (#25552242719)
  • Use a PDF object instead of a Java applet for acceptData testing (#1938087d280)
  • do not create data cache when fetching single property (f5bf9bc)
  • remove the expando when there’s no more data (#176056bb677)
  • remove some unused code (764dc94)


  • Fix $.when with resolved deferred and progress callbacks (#1894ab20d9d)
  • Always handle progress callbacks before done/fail (#2013#2010002240a)


  • fix amd mode for the deprecated module (e271f66)



  • Fix README uppercase (b50e0f2)
  • remove redundant instruction from the readme (#23593c92770)
  • correct grunt command in (#18509d6beac)
  • 1.x-master branch -> compat branch; 2.x branch -> master branch (758fd6c)
  • Clarify custom build instructions (a3779bc)
  • Add info about Sizzle not being excludable on the compat branch (#2184062b526)
  • Fix various spelling mistakes (360a478)
  • “npm run build” was missing from the contributing guides (735dea3)


  • set default easing using jQuery.easing._default (#22195f2ea40)
  • Remove tests for jQuery.Animation & jQuery.Tween (a5864ae)
  • Improve raf logic (708764f)
  • Finish should call progress (#22833dd3d13)
  • manually revert two `requestAnimationFrame` commits (0a98623)
  • add tests for jQuery.easing._default in Animation and Tween (6d7ef56)
  • Add tests for jQuery.Tween (cdaed15)
  • Adding unit tests for jQuery.Animation (b3b2d6c)
  • Reintroduce use of requestAnimationFrame (#1514772119e0)


  • HTML5 drop events inherit from MouseEvent (#2009d7e5fce)
  • Ensure delegation doesn’t error on comment nodes (#2055493b0fd)
  • remove preDispatch hook & simplify “simulate” signature (3655c4e)
  • Copy detail property to jQuery.Event on native events (#1867d9ed166)
  • Fully clean up events in unit test (4467ed6)
  • Update support comments for mouseenter/mouseleave implementation (2792845)
  • Add a note about a mouseenter bug in Chrome (a5e1c9b)
  • Empty namespaces should be uneventfully ignored (8653068)
  • remove outdated originalEvent hack (6df669f)
  • Remove fake originalEvent from jQuery.Event.simulate (#23007475d5d)
  • Add basic unit tests for event aliases (#2302e05c63e)
  • Fix delegated radio events when arrow keys are used (#2343c82a668)
  • Make event aliases optional in unit tests (2cb8eba)
  • provide verbose comment for focus(in | out) & rename support prop (c074006)
  • Move .bind() and .delegate() to deprecated (#2288ee0854f)
  • Separate trigger/simulate into its own module (#1864c9935b6)
  • Move VML test out of event alias test (67fa2ea)
  • Remove an internal argument to the on method (04a2969)
  • fix incorrect window bug with scrollTop/Left in iframes (#1945d21edb5)
  • fix incorrect test (d923100)
  • Restore the `constructor` property on jQuery.Event prototype (#15090b807aed)
  • Only check elements for delegation matches (9d820fb)
  • remove redundant guards for the event methods (#2047a873558)
  • add support comment (9db9316)
  • correct support comment (361a0d5)
  • Normalize mouse event properties in drag events (#192597cf528)



  • Mac OS is now OS X, thanks @xfq (d30c482)
  • Fix the tests, revert some unneeded/broken reverts (1ad9915)
  • Need for speed removed by 9ad6e7e (ff928f5)
  • Update all references to (#16813e89a53)
  • Remove leftover -moz-box-sizing in tests (e81b258)
  • Adjust comments & docs to dropping IE<8 in jQuery Compat (c309b95)


  • offsetLeft/Top on empty set returns undefined (#23192937019)
  • allow offset setter to throw for disconnected elements (#21140d11c11)
  • allow small differences in (#25909f9e204)
  • don’t run scrollTop/scrollLeft iframe test in Android 2.3 & 4.0 (#19810c46643)
  • add tests for hidden elements + scroll (b041242)
  • return before getBoundingClientRect to avoid error in IE8-11 (0e4477c)
  • Round offset value for the sake of floating errors (#214762ae2d0)
  • return zeros for disconnected/hidden elements (#231040dcc76)
  • Simplified a conditional (4287442)
  • account for scroll when calculating position (#17082d71594)
  • don’t run scrollTop/scrollLeft iframe test in mobile Safari (4ab8603)
  • simplify jQuery#offsetParent method (74ae544)
  • do not run tests which break without back-incompat change (9d1d4c2)


  • Fix minor style issues. Thanks @MightyBranch! (edfc94d)
  • Fix punctuation in tile (df62159)


  • Improve build instructions (2e9c1ea)
  • Update the description of the deprecated module (1d75273)
  • various text fixes (31b63fc)
  • Add selector-native.js link. Thanks @randsonjs! (cfe2eae)
  • update the Homebrew site address (b410b15)


  • bower.json is actually generated from scratch (61224f5)
  • update AUTHORS.txt (ae3229c)
  • Distribute files to distribution repo (#1869#1673#204526eca14)
  • remove antiquated release-notes.js (7bb39f3)
  • properly set the dist remote when it’s a real release (c44dd77)
  • remove revert artefacts (3655260)
  • update AUTHORS.txt (e905dcd)
  • fix revert artefacts (e2af987)
  • allow local and github dists (47c21ef)
  • ensure files are copied to dist (b4e139c)
  • Remove copying of jquery-latest files (c34ed46)
  • remove revert artefacts (c69673f)
  • push dist to same remote as project (1ba45fc)
  • fix revert artefacts (ae88b39)
  • remove sourcemap comment from all copies of minified file (#1707a76c781)
  • fix CDN archive creation (#1940e0673df)
  • dist can be run during a test (aae998b)


  • pass jQuery unit tests with selector-native (#1742#20488804644)
  • Remove “#” exception for identifier tokens (86e62d8)
  • Define jQuery.uniqueSort in selector-native too (#2466bf591fb)
  • add test for jQuery.unique() alias (add85af)
  • add jQuery.uniqueSort; deprecate jQuery.unique (#2228e1090c3)


  • Handle arrays with null values (3d7ce0a)
  • Fix object detection (14c0fe4)



  • Re-organize browser order, add Safari 8 (43faf6d)
  • Correct iOS 8 support test results, re-arrange entries (ce308e2)


  • Post-Summit cleanup (f931786)
  • Use standard external domain name (5b554cf)
  • Make basic tests work in IE 8 (5914b10)
  • Don’t load non-basic tests when basic module is selected (855b0c8)
  • Add simple tests for Android 2.3 (#25052c7e9c9)
  • Lower the checks rounding error (a44cfa0)
  • Use QUnit URL parameter parsing (f23a64d)
  • more style corrections (c161eec)
  • Disable/relax a few tests failing in Android 2.3 (#17851a9c9b0)
  • further improvements QUnit 2.0 migration (c8d15a2)
  • fix tests in accordance with new :visible behavior (16713fb)
  • hotfix for c1511c673148208ab17cafa0faf37bce3b4ae392 (3f839af)
  • lower the PHP sleep time in unreleasedXHR.html (02e1008)
  • Fix support tests results for Android 2.3 (4fea389)
  • Add Safari 9 support tests results (e99a3ac)
  • Add dummy modules when running basic tests (f9af896)
  • Blacklist the iframe scrollTop test in Opera 12.1x (283a194)
  • do not define two modules with the same name (#24377aa46e0)
  • partially use new qunit interface (#2540b930d14)
  • Correct a typo in the regex matching Safari 8 (c17543f)
  • Change quotes according to style guidelines (c577928)
  • fix lint in restored test (636a2bd)
  • Remove a trailing comma for compatibility with the compat branch (dc8ba6a)
  • make editorconfig match css style (1da1448)
  • make top of the HTML suite compliant with style guide (8356281)
  • Accept Android 2.3 doesn’t fire window.onerror for remote scripts (2732531)
  • Add Microsoft Edge results (from Windows 10 build 10130) (8e111df)
  • Keep test iframes around for assertions (0fb84fa)
  • Account for array-like objects in jQuery.grep (67b76f5)
  • fix code style issues (625bd30)
  • Fix support tests results (f6dd767)
  • Account for Edge in originalEvent UA-sniffs (#235764fd7ef)
  • Remove Safari 7.0 & iOS 6 support tests results (47e2aa6)
  • Remove Edge version from the user agent (5a1217e)
  • Tilt at a few style guide windmills (906caeb)
  • Accommodate page changes from the QUnit HTML reporter (3c13f4c)
  • Remove test/data/ua.txt (#2398e831856)
  • Minor updates for QUnit 1.16 compatibility (26276a3)
  • Update QUnit (6748ba3)
  • Add iOS 9 support tests results (1c2b536)
  • Fix CSS relative adjustment test for round-down browsers (48be675)
  • Increase QUnit timeout (ff18d8e)
  • Expand CSS relative adjustment tolerance for IE (e22ef5d)
  • don’t use deprecated argument in test declaration (aabe94e)
  • Provide equal() arguments in correct order (actual, expected) (d3d8d97)
  • Docs: Fix various typos (03eaadb)
  • add the current version of node and iojs to the travis config (bd9a138)
  • Make regexes for iOS devices more rigid (015d16c)
  • Add .extend test for defined accessor properties (9748e43)
  • Fix Safari 5.1 support tests results (e904249)
  • Really fix tests in IE 8 this time (1b566d3)


  • Don’t expose jQuery.dir & jQuery.sibling (#2512f9ef427)



  • Add support comment and fix code style issue (e38a94a)
  • remove event dependency from the ajax module (c580a52)
  • Fix for request aborted in ajaxSend (#177573c1cea)
  • Fix cross-domain detection test for non-default port (b635ee2)
  • $.post and $.get can now take an options object (#198626150f0)
  • Run the PATCH test only in IE8 on TestSwarm (#19942524da0)
  • make jQuery#load “type” field explicit (1d3d2b1)
  • replace “jqXHR.complete” callback with “always” (fd80f59)
  • move explanatory comment to appropriate place (04fc801)
  • remove use of jQuery#each second argument (0877733)
  • Use the native XHR for all non-local requests in IE9+ (#168461f812b)
  • Rename Spartan to Edge in a comment (8d88cd5)
  • Fix the XHR fallback logic for IE8 (bd699cb)
  • Remove jsonp callbacks through “jQuery#removeProp” method (#23233d850ed)
  • Account for Android 2.3 not firing window.onerror on script errors (b3eb2a1)
  • do not quote “throws” option – use dot notation instead (#2571c530661)
  • Mitigate possible XSS vulnerability (#2432f60729f)
  • correct indentation (2a83417)
  • improve content-type detection (#25843ced5ab)
  • don’t expect cross-origin tests run in envs which not support it (905ab09)
  • Catch synchronous readystatechange events (#26730a6e1c4)
  • Don’t let onreadystatechange preempt exceptions from xhr.send (b5c6fc7)


  • fix IE6-7 classes (9e2f55f)
  • don’t test SVG CSS-class manipulation in IE8 (57fb2dc)
  • remove unnecessary element null check (0de798d)
  • fix IE8 issues (f2bcf87)
  • revert returning null for non-existant attributes (7bce5b0)
  • remove flakey test for selected attribute (689270e)
  • fix tabIndex on  in IE11 (#2647cf4092e)
  • revert returning null for non-elements (a403655)
  • add SVG class manipulation (#2199b5b0d72)
  • removeClass() -> attr(“class”, “”) (f5328b6)
  • Use simpler boolean check vs a function call (c003cd6)
  • fix failing test for new return value (17bd6e9)
  • return null when attribute does not exist (#2118afca031)
  • Simplify the option val hook; backport a test from master (#1902aec41a5)
  • fix toggleClass(boolean) in ie6/7 (41c83f5)


  • Update AUTHORS.txt and .mailmap (d39fef8)


  • update grunt-jscs-checker and pass with the new rules (91e06e9)
  • update source map options for the new grunt jshint (181b451)
  • update requirejs dependency to 2.1.17 (#2290a9296df)
  • denote that sizzle cannot be removed on this branch (#14775764f364)
  • Rearrange grunt/npm tasks into a build/dist/test pattern (0771973)
  • Update the license attribute (#23318bf81d7)
  • append “+compat” to tag version and jQuery.fn.jquery (#2269d18b645)
  • remove bower.json lint target (24a6bb9)
  • Update grunt-contrib-jshint (a022da7)
  • Remove npm from dependencies (a16b77f)
  • Temprary disable jscs checks (0e3fa47)
  • code style fixes (8c507df)
  • Upgrade to commitplease 2.0.0 (630a5a8)
  • remove needless file and re-enable jscs (813b7e4)
  • update Sizzle (#2042#1969345c95a)
  • 1.x-master -> compat (2912ddd)
  • Put “jQuery Compat” in banners in built files (8cd6875)
  • Update license (9dfb9af)
  • Point to files from the compat branch, not master (b7663ea)
  • Fix various typos (3f9fda8)
  • remove node .10 from travis (498fd24)
  • Update native-promise-only (again) (f9f4f9d)
  • Test on Node 5 (06840d8)
  • code style fixes after all those reverts (14eba98)
  • ignore test dependencies for npm install (ae7a15b)
  • Update commitplease dev dependency (a96ed7e)
  • update AUTHORS.txt (799332f)
  • Upgrade to grunt-bowercopy 1.0.0 (5150442)
  • add mailmap entry (1682d36)
  • just tack on +compat to versions that may include labels (8565f54)
  • Remove unused Sizzle test files (62f7f7b)
  • Move all external libraries to external directory (72e6192)
  • update Sizzle to 1.11.1 and include license (1c31384)
  • update grunt-bowercopy (b3edc61)
  • Add “timers_ie.js” file back to the repo (31e6697)
  • Correct indentation issue (d0f27a7)
  • Add a comment explaining why the es3 option is needed (b988c0e)
  • Remove empty define({}) from build output (#17682138f15)
  • bower.json: remove moot `version` field (3699ef4)
  • update Sizzle to 2.2.1 (#239020cd343)
  • drop bower; use npm for front-end deps (#1518679c0732)
  • correct jscs paths (fa8a5a9)
  • Update jscs and lint files (#205620ddbe4)
  • Add “deprecated” to the Testswarm module list (b94af72)
  • remove deprecated JSHint options (9edd95f)
  • fix broken assertions caused by QUnit update (98c77c1)
  • space between curly and paren is optional (#2399cbb0be6)
  • update front-end dependencies (4089c7d)
  • fix tests in AMD mode (57652ee)
  • Update grunt-contrib-uglify because of a security issue in uglify (2da0cca)
  • Update QUnit to latest (1.17.1) (db31206)
  • another portion of code style fixes (f913a01)
  • update node dependencies barring jscs (511eb15)
  • account for version labels in Sizzle versions (#1939ac70dd0)
  • update node dependencies (dda65fb)
  • Fixed issue with base path that contain ‘var’ (#24504e3f971)
  • Sizzle version labels must start with a dash (6bc0e50)
  • Fix an email address of a contributor (648280a)
  • Speed up the Travis build (ba352e8)
  • Don’t install jsdom 3 on Node.js 0.10 & 0.12 by default (#25195f1c7fc)
  • Sanctify the component name status of Wrap (abfb10c)
  • Remove dates from copyright notice (a0bf5bf)
  • Specify valid components for commit messages (6f0db53)
  • Remove a double empty line at the end of .travis.yml (fc87a5c)
  • Use double quotes in .travis.yml (ca0dd7a)
  • Drop io.js testing, test on latest Node.js (d29c394)
  • Move test to appropriate module (9953ae4)
  • Update native-promise-only (7b11131)



  • Condense info and add directions to other resources (#1824404d2aa)


  • Consistently use local reference to access() (eeab75d)
  • add support to tag-hyphenated elements (f19595c)
  • Remove unnecessary parameter to jQuery#constructor (dc76dca)
  • Support Symbol wrapper objects in jQuery.type (c7cf286)
  • simplify “each” stylesheet iteration test (889bb1e)
  • add unit test for isPlainObject(Symbol) (#2645d3a2fdc)
  • introduce createHTMLDocument in parseHTML; Safari 8/IE8 left out (828a718)
  • change jQuery.each and jQuery#each signatures (#20907cd9a36)
  • remove isArraylike check for nodes (#2238d693391)
  • Simplify and speed up .each (4cc4e54)
  • Support non-browser environments (#2133#250104ec688)
  • CSS: Attach test nodes to documentElement, not body (#25029b04201)
  • make isNumeric test work on Symbol (d846c25)
  • Don’t expose jQuery.access (#251312230d3)
  • Adjust comments & tests after dropping Safari 6 support (5fce498)
  • .each/.map should accept an undefined/null value (#226715f4804)
  • Add a support comment for Safari 8 (9c373c3)
  • Make jQuery objects iterable (#16932fa3bac)
  • Align code in intro.js with master (fe2a584)
  • Update tested jsdom, drop obsolete workarounds (#215319c0377)
  • Standardize indexOf comparisons (6ae222a)
  • Drop strundefined variable (835e8c4)
  • organize prop & attr code to be similar (d0388e9)
  • Change support.ownLast to support.ownFirst (#2406453738a)
  • Follow the AMD specification for define (acf2d0c)
  • add workaround for iOS JIT error in isArrayLike (#21451e7a2f3)
  • CSS:Event: simplification of native method signatures (49bce47)
  • allow init to accept an alternate rootjQuery for migrate’s sake (#2101c916aef)


  • Fix the “sanity check” test (da84cb6)
  • Remove non-functional unit test for negative margin (1ece10f)


  • Add a support test for the hack for .css(‘marginRight’) etc. (25bc680)
  • fix :visible/:hidden selectors for inline element w/ content (#2227dd816db)
  • fix AMD mode for the new showHide module (0b6846c)
  • fix visible/hidden for IE6/7 (ecf52b9)
  • use isFinite in place of redundant isNumeric (24ab836)
  • Protect against getBoundingClientRect exceptions (c40b12a)
  • elements are hidden when either offsetWidth or offsetHeight is zero (#10406#131327b9b98d)
  • Add an integration test for issue gh-1764 (7ee0fea)
  • Don’t name the anonymous swap function (e847574)
  • Fix the pixelMarginRight support test in IE8 (4a67512)
  • Improve a comment explaining IE11 fullscreen bug (5895340)
  • Removed redundant “to the number” in comment (b59b819)
  • Fix get upper case alpha opacity in IE8 (#1705c5e8e12)
  • Support relative adjustment in any applicable unit (#17116fb2cef)
  • make the getStyles function more readable (bf282ea)
  • Add animation-iteration-count to cssNumber, fix tests (#279201fb17b)
  • Work around an IE11 fullscreen dimensions bug (#17646df1bf9)
  • remove revert artefact (fc6ac9d)
  • Don’t expose jQuery.swap (#205802a9d9f)
  • Correct typo in the comment (787ffbf)
  • Remove use of getDefaultComputedStyle (44c9c4f)
  • Don’t cache unrecognized CSS property names (#201542ea746)
  • Correct misrepresentation of “auto” horizontal margins as 0 (#2237214e163)
  • fix reliableHiddenOffsets support test for IE6-7 (77f9b1e)
  • fix dependency order for amd (e185aa3)
  • Use pre-defined displays for html and body (b05b6a2)
  • Add unit tests for negative margins and positioning (ae30fb6)
  • Clean up memory leak in reliableMarginRight (#1795fa70df6)


  • Use a PDF object instead of a Java applet for acceptData testing (#19384e3c48f)
  • Don’t expose jQuery.acceptData (#2555bec2ba2)
  • use removeAttribute in cleanData to bypass Chrome bug (#16649d1d90e)
  • backport cleanData tests from gh-2480 (624d6a8)
  • test that delete is not used on DOM nodes (5a7674d)


  • pass lint in new catch tests (203979d)
  • Always handle progress callbacks before done/fail (#2013#201035295f1)
  • Fix $.when with resolved deferred and progress callbacks (efb98f8)


  • fix amd mode for the deprecated module (bd11778)


  • allow modification of coordinates argument (1eedf0e)


  • Rename 1.x to compat (8992ac8)
  • remove redundant instruction from the readme (#2359e6a492d)
  • correct grunt command in (38ac3c4)
  • Clarify custom build instructions (8e738f0)
  • Fix various spelling mistakes (6af92ca)
  • 1.x-master branch -> compat branch; 2.x branch -> master branch (b8a0843)
  • “npm run build” was missing from the contributing guides (5da5035)


  • Finish should call progress (#2283f71e32d)
  • Add tests for jQuery.Tween (6b10f9d)
  • Remove tests for jQuery.Animation & jQuery.Tween (bc53033)
  • add tests for jQuery.easing._default in Animation and Tween (b9b5c23)
  • set default easing using jQuery.easing._default (#2219b7f9e62)
  • Remove needless operations in tests (13040b6)
  • add back support.shrinkWrapBlocks() for ie6 (1f85ded)
  • fix failing tests in IE8 (fe6afa8)
  • Fix tests (29561bc)
  • Adding unit tests for jQuery.Animation (0ff8057)


  • Use form prop so that a propHook can be used (#2332ead83b9)
  • improve originalEvent hack (37c3d08)
  • Remove an internal argument to the on method (473d2db)
  • Empty namespaces should be uneventfully ignored (51564bb)
  • fix incorrect test (e73a67f)
  • add test for window scrollTop/Left logic in iframes (2c14b00)
  • Move .bind() and .delegate() to deprecated (#22887e78c2e)
  • Add reference to data module (2866da9)
  • Normalize mouse event properties in drag events (#19255b0b1b7)
  • HTML5 drop events inherit from MouseEvent (#2009a05de40)
  • Add a note about a mouseenter bug in Chrome (f3e3a20)
  • provide verbose info for focus(in | out) & rename support props (401a351)
  • Restore the `constructor` property on jQuery.Event prototype (#15090d4a998f)
  • correct support comment (fae2daa)
  • Reduce differences from master (3923bb8)
  • remove preDispatch hook & simplify “simulate” signature (05e54ce)
  • add support comment (0fc5beb)
  • Reduce differences from master (e4c5f87)
  • Update support comments for mouseenter/mouseleave implementation (d176001)
  • Copy detail property to jQuery.Event on native events (#1867a90ff8c)
  • correct an unfinished comment (ac23f91)
  • Fix delegated radio events when arrow keys are used (#2343657c2f8)
  • Fully clean up events in unit test (ef93f95)


  • re-expose domManip until 3.0 (#222595de105)
  • increase delay of data-URI test (30ace26)
  • support data-URI scripts insertion (bc1902d)
  • don’t test data-URI with script element in IE8 (503e545)
  • Detect sneaky no-content replaceWith input (#22044cafb58)
  • privatize internal domManip() function (#2225590eff6)
  • Plug an IE8 memory leak in noCloneEvent feature detect (#1840faf295a)
  • Make an HTML interception point (#1747fb25bac)
  • privatize buildFragment() function (#222463c1414)
  • improve test for data-URI (a467f86)
  • Update html5shiv elements (#15241a953389)
  • correct wrapMap assign (a5be90f)
  • Remove an internal argument to the remove method (#2301b819be3)
  • Don’t provide the parser with sloppy table markup (#249381b6e46)
  • Switch rnoInnerhtml to a version more performant in IE (#256329266e0)
  • add support to tag-hyphenated elements (5d522f5)
  • blacklist IE8 from running tests for tag-hyphenated elems (87bb713)


  • Mac OS is now OS X, thanks @xfq (598946d)
  • Need for speed removed by 9ad6e7e (519d99a)
  • Update all references to (#168149c720e)


  • return before getBoundingClientRect to avoid error in IE8-11 (25e8620)
  • fix iframe scrollTop/Left test for IE8 (d632699)
  • fix iframe scrollTop/Left test for IE8 and iPhone (62a333e)
  • Round offset value for the sake of floating errors (#2147cd63e9c)
  • don’t run scrollTop/scrollLeft iframe test in Android 2.3 & 4.0 (#1981f2ea60c)
  • return zeros for disconnected/hidden elements (#231063f19a9)
  • account for scroll when calculating position (#17080654711)
  • do not run tests which break without back-incompat change (9f2dcb9)
  • getBounding doesn’t return width/height in IE8. Fixes test. (3b1de11)
  • no need to check for ownerDocument (523de77)
  • revert to jQuery.contains for IE8’s sake (compat only) (6df3990)
  • allow small differences in (#2590d047073)
  • add tests for hidden elements + scroll (a0a5c0b)



  • various text fixes (3d77c2e)
  • update the Homebrew site address (d588c85)
  • Improve build instructions (07afc28)
  • Update the description of the deprecated module (2a3018c)


  • ensure files are copied to dist (f5029f5)
  • fix CDN archive creation (#19407352216)
  • remove sourcemap comment from all copies of minified file (#1707f71d7f5)
  • push dist to same remote as project (5e5489c)
  • Distribute files to distribution repo (#1869#1673#2045fc76a97)
  • update AUTHORS.txt (ce4822c)
  • compat -> 1.x. Remove compat-specific release semantics (25d0afa)
  • update AUTHORS.txt (8b0618c)
  • update AUTHORS.txt again (0398d90)
  • properly set the dist remote when it’s a real release (9162122)
  • Remove copying of jquery-latest files (16fcc5e)
  • dist can be run during a test (dcd2c8f)
  • allow local and github dists (3a4a95c)


  • add test for jQuery.unique() alias (17ce9ed)
  • Remove “#” exception for identifier tokens (41f522a)
  • add jQuery.uniqueSort; deprecate jQuery.unique (#2228d9d930f)


  • Handle arrays with null values (f0b86ec)
  • Fix object detection (a993056)



  • Correct iOS 8 support test results, re-arrange entries (a4e31a8)
  • Re-organize browser order, add Safari 8 (7e70867)


  • Switch leftover andSelf to addBack (2ea57c1)


  • Expand CSS relative adjustment tolerance for IE (9d255b3)
  • Post-Summit cleanup (a93d1d7)
  • Add iOS 9 support tests results (dec9ab9)
  • Remove Safari 7.0 & iOS 6 support tests results (602c34d)
  • Make regexes for iOS devices more rigid (8339185)
  • Do not define two modules with the same name (#243785aed35)
  • lower the PHP sleep time in unreleasedXHR.html (eac265c)
  • Add dummy modules when running basic tests (5fb689d)
  • fix code style issues (8cac6da)
  • Account for array-like objects in jQuery.grep (6e466af)
  • Docs: Fix various typos (ef6cd83)
  • fix support tests in ie9 (729c75f)
  • Account for Edge in originalEvent UA-sniffs (#23574c3e63b)
  • Fix the expando-removal test failure in IE 8 (#25964b1cff6)
  • make top of the HTML suite compliant with style guide (bc9e573)
  • Add Safari 9 support tests results (99f41c2)
  • Provide equal() arguments in correct order (actual, expected) (4503a61)
  • do not create data cache when fetching single property (0874096)
  • Increase QUnit timeout (c0a0777)
  • Really fix tests in IE 8 this time (1b48eef)
  • Disable/relax a few tests failing in Android 2.3 (#1785704de81)
  • add the current version of node and iojs to the travis config (dd2e027)
  • Use QUnit URL parameter parsing (fb98ea4)
  • fix support values for android (d224acb)
  • Use standard external domain name (3680689)
  • Partially use new qunit interface (#25404543815)
  • Remove test/data/ua.txt (#2398d8037c6)
  • Lower the checks rounding error (1390d07)
  • use assert syntax in restored test (56b9656)
  • don’t use deprecated argument in test declaration (b8b111e)
  • Tilt at a few style guide windmills (4365133)
  • Make basic tests work in IE 8 (f709a28)
  • Remove Edge version from the user agent (1d052bd)
  • Don’t load non-basic tests when basic module is selected (06454d1)
  • Minor updates for QUnit 1.16 compatibility (f6f8848)
  • Update QUnit (b6e31a8)
  • Fix merge conflict (d07774a)
  • Backport basic tests from master (#2505c7d458f)
  • Keep test iframes around for assertions (06128a9)
  • Restore IE8 workarounds (Sinon timers for IE & HTML5 shiv) (0b07c65)
  • correct revert artefact (b85f32f)
  • Add .extend test for defined accessor properties (15f7920)
  • further improvements QUnit 2.0 migration (2f0cedc)
  • Correct a typo in the regex matching Safari 8 (ef332c7)
  • more style corrections (d8b7e7b)
  • Change quotes according to style guidelines (52491ae)
  • Fix CSS relative adjustment test for round-down browsers (4a8000b)
  • Add Microsoft Edge results (from Windows 10 build 10130) (546593b)
  • fix tests in accordance with new :visible behavior (cbd51c5)
  • Accommodate page changes from the QUnit HTML reporter (b747537)


  • Don’t expose jQuery.dir & jQuery.sibling (#25128c851bf)


Living up to Our Commitment to Diversity

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Following through on our renewed focus on diversity, education and accessibility that we announced over the summer, the jQuery Foundation has in the past couple of months hosted one event and sponsored another devoted to increasing diversity in tech through outreach and education.

jQuery Developer Summit

October 16-18, the jQuery Foundation, along with partners Women of Color in Tech ChatManhattan JSGirl Develop it, and Coalition for Queens, hosted 50 developers in New York City for the jQuery Foundation Developer Summit.   

This free three-day event, which was generously hosted by Digital Ocean, was designed to make open source development more accessible to, and inclusive of, members of underrepresented groups in technology. Participants of all skill levels and disciplines learned best practices and essential skills from current open source contributors and project representatives, and made contributions to an open source project that interests them.

The event heralded several firsts:

  • the first jQuery Developer Summit in three years
  • the first jQuery Foundation event in New York City
  • the first time we’ve been able to run an event that’s free to participants
  • the first time we’re working with partners to focus on improving the representation of diverse communities in open source
  • the first event that brought together project leads from both the jQuery Foundation and Dojo Foundation after our recent merge of these organizations

In creating this event, the jQuery Foundation sought to remove as many barriers as possible to attending a tech event and getting involved in open source. To achieve our aim, we scheduled the event on a weekend to avoid work conflicts, made it free to all attendees to remove income barriers, kept the size small to ensure a low mentor:attendee ratio, partnered with local organizations for underrepresented groups, and followed the jQuery Foundation Code of Conduct. Our efforts paid off, making this event a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

The Agenda

Friday night we had a nice meet and greet with food and drink. Mentors helped get everyone’s laptop set up with all the software they’d need to hit the ground running Saturday morning.

Saturday began with a series of introductory presentations by experienced developers and in many cases leaders of jQuery Foundation and other Open Source projects. The intent was to orient new attendees to the why, how and what of contributing to Open Source projects.

Why Contribute?

Anne-Gaelle Colom, Content Lead for the  jQuery Foundation and Teaching Fellow at University of Westminster shared how she first got involved with mobile programming in 1996, and how her eventual involvement in jQuery projects helped her gain recognition and status as a woman in a male-dominated profession and University department. Find her presentation here.

Additional presentations, which ran during the morning on Saturday and Sunday, covered all the basics one needs to understand in order to get started contributing to Open Source. The speakers and content were really great. Where possible, the slide links are included below.

  • Adam Sontag – Intro “Fixing a simple bug narrative”
  • Dave Methvin – Reporting and Triaging Bugs
  • Ashley Williams – Pull Requests, Code Review, Automated Checks (CLA, CI, etc)| Open Source licenses and CLAs
  • Brian Brennan – Command Line + Git + Pull Requests
  • Adam Ulvi – How does this all go live -> Virtual Machines / Vagrant
  • Nick Hehr – Contributing Code
  • Leo Balter – Unit Tests
  • Sarah Frisk –  Project Communication, Open Source principles applied to the workplace/your career
  • Rushaine McBean – Community/Inspirational/Aspirational – “Soft” ways to get involved (meetups, conferences, speaking etc)
  • István Szmozsánszky Flaki  – Browser Dev Tools Workshop


At the end of the presentations on Saturday, all of the mentors gave a quick overview of their project and attendees paired up with the project that most interested them.

Mentors walked attendees through setting up their environment with virtualbox, node, npm, git, and an editor.


Participants worked in teams made up of members of different disciplines, ensuring that everyone was able to make a meaningful contribution in line with their strengths and interests. These include:

  • programming
  • documentation
  • server/network administration
  • design
  • community development


Participants worked alongside project team members, making contributions in all these disciplines to popular open source projects, some of which included:


Several attendees responded to our post-event survey. Here’s some of the feedback:

The Summit benefitted me in so many ways. I really valued the proportion of mentors to mentees. It was great to have so many experts floating around to be able to spend one on one time with you wherever you might have been in your path. I liked the casual flexibility of it all.

I think you did an awesome job of getting a variety of people to attend.
I am really glad that you included the LGBTQ community. I have NEVER EVER seen such diversity at any other event or conference I have ever attended in my 21 years in tech.

The most valuable aspect was contributing to open source. The summit made me realize that open source is more than just code.

We also asked mentors for their thoughts:

The almost 1-on-1 ratio of speakers/mentors to attendees made this event so intimate and gave me the opportunity to really meet people and find out about them, what their interests were and how they could benefit open source and how open source could benefit their life.

The enthusiasm of the attendees and their desire to get involved was amazing! It’s obvious that so many people just don’t get involved in open source because they can’t get past the on-boarding and that is somewhere we can definitely help!

Mozilla View Source

November 2-4, the jQuery Foundation sponsored the Diversity in Tech Corner at Mozilla’s View Source event in Portland, OR.

The goal of View Source was to provide an in-depth, practical look at current and on-the-horizon technologies, with plenty of opportunities for conversation.

Caterina Paun, Director of the Portland Women Who Code network greeted attendees in the Diversity in Tech Corner and led discussions about women in the engineering workforce, how to join an all-male team as a woman, and how companies can support the careers of women.

While there is undoubtedly much work yet to be done to make the collective of web builders as diverse as the web’s consumers, judging by the Twitter conversations, this event at least served as a beacon for inclusiveness.

Recurring and important theme at #ViewSource is focus on users/humanity through technology, not fetishism of shiny new technology.
— Lucas Myers (@unthunkNovember 4, 2015

Once in a while I lose my way in terms of what I do and what I want as a web developer. Conferences like @viewsourceconf help me refocus.
— Alicia Sedlock (@aliciabilityNovember 4, 2015

With day 1 complete, I must say, the most striking part about the day was the amount of smart women who took the stage. @viewsourceconf
— Elaine Oliver (@evoliverNovember 3, 2015

Next Up for the jQuery Foundation

We still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do but as we continue to execute on our goal to increase diversity in open source, keep an eye out for announcements of future event sponsorships, speaking engagements and developer summits going into 2016!

Invest in Yourself

Posted on  by 

You already know that jQuery Foundation projects power just about every JavaScript effort on the planet in one way or another. jQuery is the most popular library for web sites. Grunt builds the assets for thousands of projects. Lodash is used widely on both the client and server, making it the most-depended-upon package on npm. These and all the other Foundation projects could use your help.

Perhaps you hesitate to contribute to an open source project because you think, “I’m not smart, experienced, or skilled enough to do that.” Wrong! If you’re good enough to use open source, you’re good enough to contribute. What’s more, there are plenty of projects looking for a wide variety of skills. You have something to offer. As a new contributor, a new perspective alone can be incredibly valuable to those who have spent their time looking at a problem “from the inside.”

One of the biggest misconceptions about open source is that you have to be a guru-level programmer and understand how every line in the project works. That’s not true though. Many of the code-related things that need to be done involve the “code that builds the code” such as unit tests, build systems, and release scripts. If you use those tools in your work every day, you can bring that experience to help a project with those tasks, even if you’re not an expert in how it works internally.

Then there are the non-programming tasks that some programmers put off (or flat-out just can’t do), but make a huge difference in usability for developers. These are tasks like bug triage, documentation, web site design, and graphic designs. I’ve spent ten years now contributing to open source projects. The first five years were mostly spent triaging bugs, writing test cases and improving documentation. Doing these often-ignored tasks improved my understanding of the needs of project users.

Several Foundation projects have marked issues with the “help wanted” tag to make it easier for new contributors to find things the team thinks don’t require too much inside knowledge. Some projects have also tagged tasks they think are good “first contributions” for people new to the open source process. You’ll find direct links to their issues below. Take a look and grab a task, the projects will thank you for it!

jQuery Mobile
Tessel CLI
Dojo 1.11
Dojo 2 core
lodash web site
jQuery core
jQuery core documentation

If you don’t find a match with one of the jQuery Foundation projects, don’t let it stop you from contributing somewhere in the open source world. Sites like can help with the search.

The jQuery Foundation would also be grateful for any contributions you’d like to make so we can continue to help open source projects grow and thrive.

Like many gifts that you can give, a contribution to open source can benefit the giver as much as the receiver. Open source software is about creating something together, where everyone contributes a bit and receives great benefits overall. In the process of helping a project you will improve your development skills, meet people with similar interests, and perhaps even hone your talents in preparation for a new job. It can take a bit of time to find the best project match for you, but the benefit to everyone will be much more than a drop in the bucket.

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