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Salesforce는 myEinstein을 통해 더 많은 사용자 정의 된 AI 제공 본문


Salesforce는 myEinstein을 통해 더 많은 사용자 정의 된 AI 제공

알 수 없는 사용자 2017. 11. 17. 12:50

Salesforce 가 Salesforce 제품 세트를 뒷받침하고 강화하기 위해 설계된 인공 지능 기술 세트 인 Einstein을 도입 지 불과 1 년 이 조금 넘었습니다 . 오늘날에 드림 포스 , 샌프란시스코에서 이번 주에 열리는 회사의 엄청난 고객 컨퍼런스, 그것은 myEinstein, 그것은 개발자와 세일즈 포스 관리자가 특정 비즈니스에 대한 자신의 AI 도구를 사용자 정의 할 수 있도록 만든 도구 패키지를 발표했다.

이것은 올해 6 월에 소개개발자 도구의 확장인데,  이 인공 지능 기능 중 일부를 고객에게 공개하고 자신의 지능형 응용 프로그램을 만들 수있게하는 것이 목표입니다. 그러나 Salesforce는 이번 릴리스에서 개발자와 함께 멈추지 않습니다. 또한 어떤 프로그래밍 기술도 필요로하지 않는 양식 기반 접근 방식을 통해 관리자에게 맞춤 기능을 제공합니다.

세일즈 포스 (Salesforce)의 아인슈타인 GM 존 볼 (John Ball)은 새로운 툴 패키지를 통해 기업들이 세일즈 포스 툴 세트의 다른 부분을 사용하는 것과 같은 방식으로 아인슈타인의 측면을 커스터마이징 할 수 있다고 말했다. 한 회사가 Salesforce를 구입할 때 상자에서 나온 그대로 사용하는 경우는 거의 없습니다. 대신 회사의 특수 용어 및 워크 플로에 맞게 변경합니다.

Sometimes that involves developing applications on top of the platform to extend its capabilities, and sometimes, it’s a matter of giving admins a set of tools to reconfigure parts the product. myEinstein includes both kinds of tools.

Salesforce has talked frequently about wanting to put AI in the hands of customers who lack data science or model building skills. They are trying to extend that capability with today’s announcement by offering admins the ability to build prediction-based fields with a few clicks. I know the “few clicks” part sounds like a lot of marketing mumbo-jumbo, but if it works as in the demo, it is really just a few forms where you select the fields or objects for which you want to create a prediction and you’re good to go.

Gif: Salesforce

For instance, you might want to predict which invoices are most likely to go over 90 days or which customers are most likely to buy this month. While it doesn’t require data science, it does require at least a partial understanding of AI in order to ask the right questions. It will be interesting to see how far customers can get on their own with this tool without some additional training or help from others inside the organization.

The other new tool enables admins to build, train and deploy their own customer service bots, which use natural language processing (NLP) to understand the customer inquiry and answer simple questions. For example, they could create a bot to gather enough information and direct the customer to the correct customer service person, or even answer questions without getting directed to a human.

While Salesforce again claims an admin can build these bots with a few clicks, there is a danger here because these tools are being used with customers instead of just internal users, and if thing go awry, they do so with customers.

But Salesforce believes they are actually minimizing that risk by greatly reducing the complexity associated with creating bots, while using underlying intelligence to understand customers based on information they know about them stored in Salesforce.

Ball says admins work with these types of customization forms on a daily basis, and giving them access to AI tools is going to offer them a new set of capabilities to enhance the product even more. This is potentially putting a great deal of power in their hands and it will take some real-world scenarios to see how this plays out in practice.

It’s worth noting that while the admin tools are being announced today, they are currently being piloted , and won’t be available until next summer.

Featured Image: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images